Basic income hailed as key in kickstarting the economy in a post-pandemic Canada

The Star

A universal basic income would not only lift more than 3.2 million Canadians out of poverty, it would also create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, grow the economy by tens of billions of dollars and eventually pay for itself with increased tax revenues.

That’s according to a new report by the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis (CANCEA), which was commissioned by basic income advocacy group UBI Works to look at the potential economic impacts of Canada implementing two different kinds of basic income programs.

“I think the biggest message coming out of this (report) is that a basic income program can be designed in a sustainable way,” said Paul Smetanin, CANCEA president and one of the report’s authors. “It can be thought of as an investment as opposed to a cost.”

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P.E.I. should push feds to support $260M basic income program, committee says

CBC News

A special all-party committee of the P.E.I. legislature is urging the provincial government to begin "immediate negotiations" with the federal government seeking support for a universal basic income guarantee for the province.

But such a program would come with a significant price tag, estimated at $260 million per year — almost $100 million more than the current budget for the entire P.E.I. Department of Social Development and Housing.

Providing all Prince Edward Islanders with access to a guaranteed basic income would "ensure every Islander, no matter their circumstance, can live with basic health and dignity," MLA Trish Altass told the legislature Tuesday.

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How giving Canadians a basic income can improve health and reduce costs

Global News

One of the pillars of the federal government’s coronavirus response — the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit, or CERB — is leading to calls for a permanent basic income support program in Canada.

Jessie Golem, a Hamilton, Ont., resident, is among those championing such an initiative. Golem was part of a pilot project in Ontario three years ago that provided income support to 4,000 low-income earners in several communities across the province. The pilot was only in place for a little over a year before it was abruptly cancelled by the government of Premier Doug Ford.

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Job guarantees and free money: 'Utopian' ideas tested in Europe as pandemic gives governments a new role


Christine Jardine, a Scottish politician who represents Edinburgh in the UK parliament, was not a fan of universal basic income before the pandemic hit.

"It was regarded in some quarters as a kind of socialist idea," said Jardine, a member of the centrist Liberal Democrats party.
But not long after the government shut schools, shops, restaurants and pubs in March with little warning, she started to reconsider her position.
"Covid-19 has been [a] game changer," Jardine said. "It has meant that we've seen the suggestion of a universal basic income in a completely different light." In her view, the idea — sending cash regularly to all residents, no strings attached — now looks more "pragmatic" than outlandish.
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Benefits: Should Stormont give money to everyone in Northern Ireland?

Universal basic income (UBI) has been proposed as a potential way of future-proofing for any society-wide event.

It is something that has operated in other countries, but has not yet been seen in the UK.

So could UBI be one solution to huge levels of economic uncertainty, as seen during the coronavirus lockdown?

What is UBI?

Universal basic income is a flat rate payment that is paid on a regular basis to every individual in society, regardless of their employment status.

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Universal basic income: An option for Europe?

What if people no longer had to worry about their income? Marwa Fatafta has often asked herself that question. "So much anxiety and stress would simply vanish," said Fatafta, who came to Germany as a Palestinian migrant and made a life for herself in Berlin.

"To me, it was clear quite early on that freedom also means being financially independent," Fatafta told DW. At first, she had hoped to live from her art, but when she realized it would not give her a regular income she gave up that dream. Today, Fatafta works for Access Now, an organization that promotes digital personal rights.

Fatafta is one of about 2 million people in Germany who has applied to the Basic Income Pilot Project. Starting next spring, 122 of the applicants will receive €1,200 ($1,422) per month for three years. No strings attached.

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Taskforce in Ireland recommends basic income scheme for artists


A universal income scheme for artists has been recommended by the Arts and Culture Recovery Taskforce, which published its report today.

The taskforce was set up in September to prepare recommendations on how the arts and culture sector can adapt and recover from the unprecedented damage arising from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Among its recommendations are a pilot universal basic income scheme for a three-year period in the arts, culture, audiovisual and live performance and events sectors.

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